Article archive
02/02/2017 23:52
Why IHAC ?
-We should apply KAFALAT SYSTEM at Halal certification.
In all conditons we would rather act according to kafalat system in Fiqh.
We must avoid doubtful issues at Halal certification studies
Our Prophet(pbuH) said that; “he who avoids doubtful preserves his religion and honor. He who doesn’t avoid...
13/07/2012 14:19
Halal Certifications
For the consumer, the benefits of IHAC halal certification are clear: knowing a product is halal-certified means he or she does not have to bother checking all the ingredients. The consumer can purchase the product with the assurance it does not contain anything that is haram or doubtful.
13/07/2012 00:00
What is halal?
Halal is an Arabic word meaning lawful or permitted. The opposite of halal is haram, which means unlawful or prohibited. Halal and haram are universal terms that apply to all facets of life. However, we will use these terms only in relation to food products, meat products, cosmetics,...
12/07/2012 16:27
Why Do I Need Halal Certification?
Halal Certification is required to produce acceptable food and consumable products for halal consumers. That includes the 1.4 billion Muslims in the world and the many millions of others who also choose to eat halal products because of the obvious positive health benefits associated with the...
12/07/2012 13:46
What is our food?
As Muslims, we are constantly striving for perfection in all facets of life. As a result, we are constantly trying to gain knowledge so that we may further progress. The reality is that while we aim to perfect our relationships, our roles at work, and our habits as students, we sometimes fail to...
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IHAC - INTERNATIONAL HALAL ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE2538 Caminito La Paz La Jolla-San Diego, California, USA Zip kod: 92037