02/02/2017 23:52

Why IHAC ?

-We should apply KAFALAT SYSTEM at Halal certification.
In all conditons we would rather act according to kafalat system in Fiqh.
We must avoid doubtful issues at Halal certification studies
Our Prophet(pbuH) said that; “he who avoids doubtful preserves his religion and honor. He who doesn’t avoid doubtful may fall into HARAM.”
Thoughts on IHAC
a- Halal certification should respect mazhab opinions. Hanefi, Shafi, Hanbali, and Maliki are major mazhabs and they are a blessing to us, not a reason for division.
b- For certification of international companies, we must push them to accept and follow Halal requirements in all of their production plants worldwide, not in one particular place. Because, otherwise, Muslims may be deceived by greedy companies.
c- All respected international certifiers should become members of one reliable umbrella organization.
d- Umbrella Organization members should accept and follow one single unified standard.
e- Umbrella Organization should be responsible on accreditation and supervision of its members.
f- Umbrella Organization should have a budget and a controlling and monitoring authority.
g- Umbrella Organization IHAC should be  governed by the executives that are duly elected.
h- Umbrella organization should work above country or government politics.
i- Umbrella organization should be internationally recognized and be legally established.
k- Maslahat of  Muslims must be considered in Halal certification.
l- Members should recognize and accredite each other under adequate supervision.
n- Fiqh and technical boards should be appropriately established.
o- Council should establish training center, research center and laboratory.
p- Council should train and appoint independent Halal auditors and trainers for promoting Halal awareness in the public and in trade.
r- Council may establish international market chain for distribution of halal certified products.
s- IHAC web site must be active at once.

جَآءَ ٱلۡحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ ٱلۡبَـٰطِلُ‌ۚ إِنَّ ٱلۡبَـٰطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقً۬ا

- Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish.” [Qur’an 17:81]
If we want to reach this wisdom of ayah, firstly, we must  believe our duty is so important.
I would like to finish my writing with a hadith:
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 003, Book 034, Hadith Number 438.
Narrated by Jabir bin ‘Abdullah (Radi Allahu Ta’ala Anhu): I heard Allah’s Apostle, in the year of the Conquest of Mecca, saying, “Allah (Azzawajal) and His Apostle (Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi wa Sallam) made illegal the trade of alcohol, dead animals, pigs and idols.” The people asked, “O Allah’s Apostle (Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi wa Sallam)! What about the fat of dead animals, for it was used for greasing the boats and the hides; and people use it for lights?” He said, “No, it is illegal.” Allah’s Apostle (Sallal Laahu Ta’ala Alayhi wa Sallam) further said, “May Allah (Azzawajal) curse the Jews, for Allah (Azzawajal) made the fat (of animals) illegal for them, yet they melted the fat and sold it and ate its price.”





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